Acupuncture is a time-tested and scientifically valid healing art which helps in the restoration of one’s health. Acupuncture has been practiced throughout the world for over 5,000 years. It is among the oldest healing modalities in existence. In Utah, the scope of practice for Acupuncture states that ANY disease or condition may be treated with Acupuncture. A search for acupuncture on the National Institute of Health’s research website generates over 44,000 scientific and medical research articles. There is a ton of science validating acupuncture!
What is our Training?
Dr. Jason Atkinson completed a 2-year fellowship in medical acupuncture with the International Academy of Medical Acupuncture (FIAMA). He is Board Eligible for Diplomate status with the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM). Both Dr. Jason and Dr. Austin are Acupuncture Board Certified by the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners (NBCE). This rigorous training provided our doctors the opportunity to study Chinese Medicine as well as proven techniques from China, Japan, Europe, Sri Lanka, and Korea.
Painless Acupuncture
For your comfort, we only use painless acupuncture needles. Did you know that an acupuncture needle is not actually a needle? A needle is hollow and beveled – designed to cut your skin to remove or insert fluids.
Acupuncture needles are filiform needles, which are actually pins. They are solid pieces of metal that come to a rounded point. Recently a company in the US began a new manufacturing process that allowed them to make the acupuncture “pins” thinner than ever before.
These pins are 40-gauge, which is thinner than a human hair. They are, in fact, so thin that they don’t even cut your skin. They simply push between your skin cells (much like putting a straw into a glass of ice water doesn’t cut the ice, it simply moves it out of the way).
How Tiny are They?
Have you ever noticed how tiny an insulin needle is? You can fit 20 of these thin acupuncture needles inside the hole of an insulin needle. We didn’t believe this, so we tried it for ourselves!
Still nervous about needles? We also have non-needle techniques:
laser acupuncture (painless)
microcurrent (feels like a tingle)
magnetic beads (feels like tiny bandages on the skin)
Acupunture Goes High-Tech
We use AcuGraph technology to provide real-time measurement of your meridian energetics. It includes objective measurement and engaging visual displays of meridian data, and historical trending to demonstrate results. It does this by measuring electrical skin resistance at specific acupuncture points on each of the 12 main meridians by means of a painless exam – no needles involved!